Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to view our New Owner Information Packet for prices, daycare and boarding info, and more!

How old does my dog need to be to come to K-9?
We require puppies to be at least 20 weeks of age before they can attend daycare or come for boarding/grooming services.
What are your hours?

We are open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays. On Sat/Sun, we open at 8:00 AM and close at 6:00 PM. 

What should I bring if my dog is boarding overnight?
You are welcome to bring your dog’s bed, blanket or favorite toys. It is helpful if you pack their food in plastic baggies portioned per meal. Please do not bring bowls, toys with squeakers, or rawhide bones (since they are a choking hazard).
Do you require a temperament test?
No, our staff will work with your dog to ease them into a proper playgroup for their individual personality. Dogs will usually react in their own way to new environments. Our staff is well trained in dog behavior and can recognize cues to ensure your dog feels confident and safe. During this period your dog may have to spend some time away from the play group as they become accustomed to the routine.
Do you require spay or neuter?
No–however, we strongly recommend early spay or neuter your dog for numerous health reasons. Female dogs in heat will not be allowed to visit until their heat cycle is complete. Should your intact male display aggressive behavior, he may be removed from play group.
Do the dogs go outside?
We understand some dogs have a very strong house breaking instinct and may not feel comfortable taking care of business on our specially treated floor. The beauty of our facility is that dogs are kept safe and clean indoors. However, we will do what is best for your dog and walk them on a leash to provide the best individual care. Please make us aware of your dog’s individual needs.
Do you offer discounts for multiple dogs?
We do not. Our prices are very reasonable and give each dog in our care exceptional attention.
Are there restrictions on pickup and drop off times?

You may drop off your dog anytime within our open hours. Boardings end at 12 PM on the last scheduled day, so if you pick up after noon, there will be a half-day late fee per dog, which will increase to a full-day late fee after 5 PM. (This is the same price as a dog attending daycare for a half or full day, as they are no longer boarding but are still under our care. If your dog was already scheduled for daycare on their last day of boarding, you will not be charged twice.)

What vaccines do you require?
We require bordetella, distemper, and rabies vaccines.
Do I need to make a reservation?

Reservations are required for boarding, grooming, and extended daycare, but not for regular or half-day daycare.

How do I access the cameras?
The cameras can be accessed through your owner portal from 8-10 AM and 1-3 PM when your dog is logged into daycare.
Can I board my dog if they are on medication?

Most dogs with medication can be boarded with us. However, if your dog has a health condition that is life-endangering without medication, your dog should be boarded with a vet. They are best-suited for administering medication to dogs who are resistant or fearful, which even friendly dogs can sometimes be during their first boarding in a new place. Our facility also does not have overnight staff, so if you have concerns about your dog being unsupervised overnight, a vet would be best.

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